Why did the JavaScript developer go broke?

30 Aug 2023

Because he used typeof on a penny and got a “string” instead of a “number.”


Prior to today I’ve learned about and used the programming languages C, C++, Python, Kotlin, Batch File in DOS, and Powershell. This is the first time I’ve ever learned and used the JavaScript programming language and so far, I’ve enjoyed using it because it’s not heavy on syntax like in C or C++ so it’s simpler to use and write programs in. Also comparing programs written in C and C++, to write a program that does something similar in JavaScript, it requires less code, and you don’t have to think about things like properly dynamically allocating memory and using pointers because JavaScript takes care of that for you. But it still retains some things I like about C and C++ for example it shares the same syntax used in C such as having to use “{}” to block code versus in Python you use indentations which I think is a good attribute if you have a background where your first programming language is C or C++.

Now with the different amount of programming languages I’ve experienced using, I think JavaScript is a good programming language to learn about because from the perspective of a software engineer it’s advantageous for you to know more than one language just so that you can see how you can make your code in one language compatible for use in another language. For example, if you’re a back-end engineer creating APIs in Python you would want to know how good your API is so you should learn JavaScript as this is more of a front-end language used to create interfaces using the back-ends API. This way as a back-end engineer you can improve your code to meet the needs of those in the front-end.

Athletic Software Engineering

Athletic software engineering (ASE) is a pedagogy that gets you to actively learn the class material outside of class. It consists of being given modules or topics that must be covered in a week’s time, and it includes multiple videos, readings, references, and practice WODs. WOD’s (work out of the day) are coding problems given in each module and in class that are relevant to what you’re being taught in that module. Practice WOD’s are kind of different than just being given a prompt and doing it because it comes with benchmark times where you should be to truly do good in in-class WODs.

I believe the real benefit of ASE comes from these practice WODs because they are designed to get you to take the time out class to learn the material and develop problem solving skills that you’ll need to succeed in the in-class WODs because the WODs in class are graded on pass or fail and you only pass if you can solve the problem in a specific amount of time. Because of the time attributes in these WODs I think it does make it more stressful but in a good way because it forces you to learn outside of class to develop a strong understanding of the material so that you’re prepared for what’s to come in class. For me this is a wonderful approach to learning because this is something I already do in most of my classes. I know I can’t just go to class and expect to know everything from just going to lecture. I know I must practice the topics covered in class or I’ll never really understand them.


In conclusion, so far learning JavaScript has been a fun experience and it’s good to know more than one language because some languages over the others are best for certain types of applications. It’s also good to know how other languages compare to one another that way you can think about how to make your program written in Python compatible with a JavaScript program. Also, this class makes it very fun to learn because of the pedagogy that it’s built on. I think ASE one of the best ways to lean because of its WODs. WODs are important for solidifying what you’re learning and developing the proper problem-solving skills used in programming and engineering.