UI Frameworks make Dreamworks

05 Oct 2023

Haven’t you heard? UI Frameworks make Dreamswork

I think the best way to describe what a UI Framework is can be thought of as header files used in C and C++. Header files are a collection of premade functions that you can call throughout your program. UI Framework APIs are essentially the same thing as it’s a collection of premade library’s, functions, templets, and other things that can be used to build a uniform UI so that you don’t have to be build everything entirely from the ground up. These UI Framework APIs are also designed to keep in mind cross-platform compatibility [1]. This means that no matter what device you’re using, it could be on a laptop, tablet, or phone, it can be on windows, IOS, or Linux OS, the user experience of your website has uniformity across all devices. In other words, your websites are going to look and feel the same on any device to provide a seamless experience to the end user, and I think this is the biggest benefit in using a UI Framework.

The drawbacks of UI Frameworks

Although with all great inventions there tends to be some drawbacks and UI Frameworks are not spared from them. One of the issues with API’s are since they are made to be used as a general solution, this means that if you are trying to build something with more of a specific application in mind then your overall development time will be longer despite using an API in hopes of cutting down development time [1]. Another issue is not all API’s mix well with each other so if you decide to use more than 1 API must keep in mind the compatibility between them [1]. Lastly another issue that could arise is if you made your website entirely using Bootstrap5 and for some reason you decide to use another API like Semantic UI it can be challenging and too cost intensive depending on how much work needs to be done to make the necessary changes. So, in a sense you might be locked into a specific vendor for quite some time so it’s best to research which API has the most important features for you because deciding on one [1].

In the end is it worth using an UI Framework?

I think that even though learning an API can be like learning a whole language, it’s worth using an API for the cross-platform compatibility and using premade templates for faster development times and overall better end-user experience. I for one enjoyed learning how to use bootstrap 5 because I think it improves developing a website quicker and improves the final look as opposed to trying to make everything yourself.


[1] Classic, “What is Ui Frameworks and reason to use UI frameworks,” Sencha.com, https://www.sencha.com/blog/what-is-ui-frameworks-and-reason-to-use-ui-frameworks/ (accessed Oct. 5, 2023).